by Jenni Henderson | Jul 13, 2013 | Latest News
JAIL N BAIL 2013 You know when you get a phone call from someone who says – “Would you like to be arrested by the police and locked up for Charity?” and you think – “Hmmm – would I?” Well, I got that phone call earlier this...
by Jenni Henderson | Mar 26, 2013 | Latest News
We often struggle to work out what everyone else is thinking and find ourselves just guessing at how we can best serve them. This means that we promote the wrong products to the wrong people at the wrong time and fail to gain the results we desire. Obviously I could...
by Jenni Henderson | Jun 10, 2011 | Latest News
We are delighted that the new Chrysalis Business Support website is now live. We hope that you find all the information on here that you need and we will be adding more news and information over the coming months. We would like to thank Rob March from Beard Creative...
by Jenni Henderson | Apr 12, 2011 | Latest News
Jenni Henderson was delighted to be asked to be a keynote speaker at the BNI South West Midlands members day on 6th April. The event which was held at Chateau Impney in Droitwich gathered together over 100 networkers from the local area who were all interested in...